Porn & Sex Addiction | The Hall Recovery Courses
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The most proven method for treatment of any kind of addiction is conducted within the context of a group environment. The Hall Recovery Course for Sex Addiction & Porn Addiction is not group therapy where you will be expected to share personal feelings that are uncomfortable for you. It is a pragmatic, down to earth psycho-educational course that has been developed specifically for the treatment of sex addiction and sexually compulsive behaviours. For more details of our approach, please follow this link.

The recovery course is unique in providing practical skills for treatment as well as creating an environment where deeper psychological and emotional needs can begin to be explored.

The Hall Recovery Course is available as either as a 6 day residential recovery course or an online weekly programme. The Residential programme is particularly suitable for people who are time-pressured and are looking for a fast-track into recovery whilst escaping the distractions of every day life. Our online recovery course is tailored specifically to delivery via zoom and is limited to 6 attendees. All attendees on our recovery courses will be invited to join one of our monthly aftercare support groups.

Although the prospect of joining a group terrifies most people initially, it often proves to be the single most significant step towards life-long recovery. The reason that the group environment is so important is that it breaks through the feelings of shame and isolation that so often continue the cycle of addiction. It also provides treatment and accountability and an opportunity to rebuild self esteem and close friendships that have so often been wrecked by addiction.

If you’d like a taster of what our recovery programmes are like, then why not attend our Kick Start Workshop. This 3-hour online workshop provides a fast way of understanding addiction and deciding the best route for achieving recovery. They are delivered by Dr Paula Hall.  

All of our sex addiction and porn addiction recovery courses are strictly limited to a maximum of 8 people and are delivered by 2 therapists, and hence early booking is recommended. For more details please email us.


Most partners are devastated to discover their partner is addicted to sex and/or pornography and many find it difficult to believe it’s even true. Others may have been battling for years to discover the truth and may feel relieved when the truth is finally out.

Partners need their own space to recover from the trauma of discovery and someone who understands the problem who can help them to decide what their future will hold.  We can provide individual support with one of our associates either face to face or online. Additionally we offer a sex addiction and porn addiction support group programme which can be especially beneficial to break through the feelings of isolation and provide long term friendship and understanding that can often be so hard to find.

Our support group programmes are available either as an online workshop or a 4 day residential support group. Our programmes are designed to complement those provided for addiction recovery, but focuses on helping partners to move on from the devastation of sex addiction, whether that’s as a couple, or alone.

To meet people in the same position as you, who understand exactly what you are going through, who do not judge, who have the same or very similar experiences to you and just to know you are not alone on this frankly horrific journey is worth every single penny.

Partner's Group

I have left the course with a new set of friends, with a daily support network of people that I can finally be myself with and share my experience with. It is proving to be absolutely invaluable in my own recovery and I am so thankful to have had the courage to attend.

Partner's Group

For the first time I can understand the genesis of my behaviours and how they went from comfort to addiction. I now know practical guidelines within which I can restore myself to mental, emotional, moral and sexual health. I believe that I will come to recognise this week as the most important in my adult life, because finally I feel armed to stay clean, sober, safe and honest. Thank you.

6-Day Intensive Recovery Group

I started the course full of trepidation and feeling alone with my problem. I left the course full of hope and with a network of support from my fellow recovering addicts. Thank you for giving my life meaning again.

6-Day Intensive Recovery Group