Workshop for Partners

This stand-alone workshop has been created to give partners a fast track way of getting professional advice and support and an opportunity to meet other partners. We know how devastating and isolating discovering addiction is and how scary the roller-coaster of emotions can feel. This day will help you to break those feelings of isolation by meeting other partners and it will also give you practical tools for establishing emotional stability.  During the day we will cover the following topics:

  • Surviving the trauma of discovery
  • Looking after you
  • Understanding what sex and porn addiction really is
  • Recognising your Cycle of Reaction
  • Avoiding trauma related triggers
  • Establishing boundaries

Follow up

At the end of the workshop, there will be the opportunity to continue your journey of support through further workshops or by joining one of our residential support programmes.  Subsequent topics include:

  • Developing and strengthening self-care
  • Stopping the Cycle of Reaction
  • Re-claiming self esteem and self identity
  • Considering the decision to stay or leave
  • Rebuilding trust
  • Creating a future

All participants of our support programmes will be invited to join our monthly support group.

Please note, our partner support groups do not assume that you are staying within your relationship but will help you to consider what your future options may be.

Groups are completely confidential and limited to a maximum of 8 people.  The day runs from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm and you can book your place on the link below. Please note, bookings are non-refundable.